All software product is provided with MS.Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

Movable Assets Registration and Tracking Software v.1.0.1

 Movable assets registration and tracking software, which is prepared suited to movable assets statute that was published in the Official Gazette numbered 26407 in 18.01.2007 according to 5018 numbered Public Financial Management and Control Law, has been presented to the service of foundations….

>> Click for the detailed info...

Analytical Budget Software v. 1.0.0

 Analytical budget software is prepared to meet the needs of local administrations which have started using analytical budget application according to the 5018 numbered law. ….

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Accrual Based Accounting Software v.1.0.1

 Our accounting software appropriate for accrual based account, which has started to be applied with the 5018 numbered law in 01.01.2006, has been presented to the service of local administrations….

 >> Click for the detailed info...

Workers Payroll Software v.1.0.1

Our payroll software, which has been prepared according to the needs of local administrations, does the salary calculations of workers according to the laws….

>> Click for the detailed info...

Civil Servant Payroll Software v.1.0.1

Our payroll software, which has been prepared according to the needs of local administrations, does the salary calculations of civil servants according to the laws….

>> Click for the detailed info...

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